4.2 Auto- / manual range selection
When the meter is first turned on, it automatically goes
into autoranging. This automatically selects the best
range for the measurements being made and is generally
the best mode for most measurements.
For measurement situations requiring that a range be
manually selected, perform the following:
1. Press the RANGE key. The ‘AUTO’ display indicator
will turn off
2. Press the RANGE key to step through the available
ranges until you select the range you want
3. To exit the Manual Ranging mode and return to
Autoranging, press EXIT
Manual ranging does not apply for the
temperature functions.
1. Press the MAX/MIN key to activate the MAX/MIN
recording mode
The display icon ‘MAX’ will appear. The meter left
auxiliary displaywill display and hold the maximum
reading and will update only when a new ‘max’
The display icon ‘MIN’ will appear. The right auxiliary
displaymeter will display and hold the minimum
reading and will update only when a new ‘min’
2. To exit MAX/MIN mode press EXIT