Installing the driver
: You must install the driver to make your device work, unless your device comes with a pre-
installed driver. Refer to the Getting Started Guide to see if your device has a pre-installed driver or not.
1. Go to
and select
2. Click
next to the latest driver that corresponds to your computer's operating system.
3. Follow the prompts to finish installation.
Updating the driver and firmware
Updated drivers and firmware are made available on the
and at
periodically. Check in and update regularly so that your device has the latest features and
: Do not update firmware while your device is connected to your computer wirelessly, if that
functionality is available for your device. Plug your tablet into your computer by USB before you update
From the Wacom Desktop Center, select
, and then click the update to install it.
If the Wacom Desktop Center is not available for your device, go to
to find the latest updates.
: Your device will not work if you uninstall the driver. If you uninstall the driver, reinstall the latest
so that your device works again, with default settings.