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When the pen tip contacts the
tablet surface, the cursor
jumps to the top left corner of
the screen, or the error
message, “Unable to
implement function”, appears
within the PenPartner control
You may have had another manufacturer’s tablet, and the drivers are
still loaded on your system:
ACECAT: Edit your SYSTEM.INI. Go to the drivers=line in the [boot]
section and remove awintab. Then go to the [drivers] section and
remove the awintab=awintab.drv line. Look also for any reference to
Virtual Tablet and remove it. Save the changes and restart Windows.
KURTA: Edit your SYSTEM.INI by looking for any references to
wtkurta and removing them. Save the changes and restart Windows.
After installing the WACOM
driver, WACOM and Serial
error messages appear in the
event viewer.
Some serial port and WACOM error messages will be generated while
NT is starting up and the WACOM driver is loading. These messages
are generated because the WACOM driver loads before the serial
driver is loaded. Please ignore them.