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Wadia 170iTransport Frequently Asked Questions
The Wadia 170iTransport and the iPod have microprocessors that may take up to 10 seconds before
they will communicate with each other properly. If you begin trying to use your iPod while it is
performing this initial communication, you may experience problems and may have to either reset
your iPod or the 170iTransport. We know that you will be excited to use this fantastic new product
and we ask that you are patient while they are performing this initial step.
series 1
17 0 i T r a n s p o r t
How come the blue light is not lighting up on the front of my 170iTransport?
Is my iPod compatible and what functionality will it have?
How do I dock and undock my iPod with the 170iTransport?
How do I select the appropriate Dock Insert for my iPod?
How do I connect the 170iTransport to AC power?
How do I make the digital connection?
How do I make the analog connection?
How do I make a Component Video connection?
How do I make an S-Video/Composite Video connection?
Why can’t I see the menus on my iPod nano G1 or iPod video when it is docked
How come I can’t hear my music immediately when I dock my iPod?
How come I can’t see the video from my iPod on my television even though it is playing on the
iPod screen when it is docked?
Why can’t I see the iPod menus on my television?
Why should I keep my iPod firmware up to date?
Why does my iPod lock up and the music stop at the end of a Playlist on my older iPod nano
or iPod Video?
Why does the Wadia Logo not appear sometimes when my older iPod nano or iPod Video?
How come when I try to skip to the next chapter on Movies I have downloaded on iTunes,
my iPod resets?
Why does my Cover Flow not move smoothly and album covers don’t pop up immediately?
How do I reset my 170iTransport?
How do I know if my iPod is synced with the 170iTransport?