104 Commissioning
750-375 PROFINET IO advanced Fieldbus Coupler
Version 1.1.0
Parameterization of Submodule’s Data Sets
After a connection is established between fieldbus coupler and the respective IO
controller, the IO controller parameterizes the configured submodules. This can
occur in the form of several write tasks (up to three write requests per submodule)
or by one write task (WriteMultiple request for all submodules). Submodules
identified in the "ModuleDiffBlock" as "wrong" in the connection
acknowledgement do not get any parameterization data from the IO controller.
End of the Parameterization Phase and Operational
After writing the parameterization data sets from the IO controller to the
submodules, the fieldbus coupler acknowledges the end of the parameterization
phase ("EndOfParameterization") of the IO controller with the "DControl.req"
After processing the parameterization data sets, the fieldbus coupler signals
operational readiness of the PROFINET IO application ("ApplicationReady") to
the IO controller.
Beforehand, the fieldbus coupler sends already valid input data (provider data) to
the IO controller, which is identified by the "GOOD" status (0x80) of the user
data qualifier (IOXS).
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Data Exchange
After the PROFINET IO application of the fieldbus coupler has signaled
readiness, the input data are transmitted to the IO controller by provider telegram.
At the same time, the fieldbus coupler monitors transmission of the output data as
the consumer by the IO controller.
Send Cycle Times (Update Time)
Also called "SendCycle" in PROFINET IO, the update times can take the
following values on the part of the provider and consumer.