Diagnostics 125
750-375 PROFINET IO advanced Fieldbus Coupler
Version 1.1.0
Table 69: Diagnosis of fieldbus failure
Substitute value strategy
Value (bit-oriented)
Substitute value strategy
write output process image to
0 or 4 mA, 0 V
hold last valid output process
last output state
last output value
substitute value
0 or 1
0/4 - 20 mA, -10 - +10 V
The values are set by the fieldbus coupler to the internal data bus output data
process image.
Once the PROFINET IO connection has been reestablished, the respective output
modules receive their process data again from the IO controller responsible.
Pos : 70.21 / Serie 750 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYST EM)/Diagnos e/F eldbus koppler/-c ontroll er/Kl emmenbus fehl er (Koppler PR OFIN ET I O, 750- 0375, 377) @ 16\mod_1375266362379_21. doc x @ 127320 @ 3 @ 1
Internal Data Bus Failure
'I/O' LED indicates an internal bus failure.
'I/O' LED flashed red:
When an internal data bus failure occurs, the fieldbus coupler generates an error
message (error code and error argument).
An internal data bus failure occurs, for example, if an I/O module is removed.
If the error occurs during operation, the output modules operate as they do during
an internal data bus stop.
If the internal data bus error is resolved, the process data transfer can be
continued, according to the DAP parameter setting (attribute "Restart on K-bus
(internal data bus) failure") either immediately or by turning the power off and
restarting the fieldbus node.
Pos : 71 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/ O-SYST EM)/Di agnose/Fel dbus koppl er/-contr oller/ PROF INET-Di agnose/PR OFIN ET-Diagnos e 750-375, - 377 @ 13\ mod_1354700976803_21. doc x @ 107374 @ 23 @ 1
PROFINET IO Diagnostics
PROFINET IO allows exact diagnostics of the type and source of an occurring
error by reading the record data sets for the diagnostics.
The respective configuration software / IO supervisor is normally used, which
provides graphical processing of the diagnostic data (e.g. STEP 7, etc.).
In addition to the record data sets for module/submodule parameterization, a
number of record data sets are available for acyclic communication for
diagnostics (listed in the following chapter).
The structure of the standardized diagnostic data sets and channel-specific
diagnostics are then explained.
Standard and manufacturer-specific diagnostic data sets are mapped according to
the extended channel diagnostics.