Fieldbus Communication 131
750-375 PROFINET IO advanced Fieldbus Coupler
Version 1.1.0
Pos : 77 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/F eldbus kommuni kation/ PROF INET /PR OFIN ET I O-Besc hrei bung (Koppl er) @ 13\ mod_1353664091883_21. doc x @ 106861 @ 233333444333444 @ 1
In the field of industrial automation technology, productive data exchange
between higher-level control systems and remote I/O modules is increasingly
handled by ETHERNET-based communication systems. This allows you to
implement integrated information exchange from the management level to the
process-oriented installed I/O units on existing infrastructures.
PROFINET (Process Field Network) represents systematic further development of
the global fieldbus system PROFIBUS based on ETHERNET. It takes advantage
of the many benefits offered by the open industrial ETHERNET standard.
By using ETHERNET, the transmission rate is increased from 12 Mbit/s half-
duplex for RS-485 to 100 Mbit/s full-duplex for PROFINET.
For parameterization, configuration and diagnostics, PROFINET uses the UDP
protocol. The requirements for connecting to higher levels, e.g. to Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) or to the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) are
PROFINET not only applies IT standards, but also supports fail-safe applications
and covers the complete range of drive engineering through its real-time feature.
For PROFINET IO, remote field devices (IO devices) are connected to the central
(IO controller). A WAGO fieldbus node with the PROFINET IO fieldbus coupler
handles the function of an IO device in a PROFINET IO network. The familiar
I/O view of PROFIBUS is maintained in doing so. The properties of the field
device are declared to Engineering based on GSD files. The respective GSD file is
available from the device manufacturer.
PROFINET IO uses RT (Real-Time) communication for high-performance
transmission of process data.
For increased requirements for determinism, IRT (Isochronous Real Time)
communication allows you to implement, e.g. applications with motion control.
In addition, PROFINET IO makes it possible to move the devices in the network
(IO devices) independently at different update times ("Send Cycles") based on
their performance capability. This is accomplished by scaling the global send
cycle ("Send Clock") in multiple communication phases.
Investment protection of existing systems plays a significant role for PROFINET.
Therefore, the plan has been to integrate existing fieldbus systems such as
PROFIBUS, INTERBUS, etc. from the beginning.
Standard network topologies such as star, tree, line and ring can be implemented
using PROFINET. That way, the specific demands of Ethernet networks can be
met in industrial environments.