Function Description
750-375 PROFINET IO advanced Fieldbus Coupler
Version 1.1.0
Possible Errors when Packaging Digital Information
When connecting ("Connect"), the fieldbus coupler checks the configuration of
the connected I/O modules. Identified violations of the configuration rules are
reported to you in the form of module differences ("ModuleDiffBlock").
Process image optimization of digital information leads to module differences in
the following cases:
Configuration of incorrect submodule types, i.e. one or more submodule
types does not match the I/O modules physically inserted. The module
status of the affected module slots is listed as "substitute", the submodule
status as "wrong".
In one or more sections, the data volume provided by the configured
allocating submodule types is inadequate to meet the requirement for
process data of the following non-allocating submodule types. For these
modules, the module status "proper module" and submodule status "wrong"
are entered.
Example of module differences:
A section consists of 6 modules.
The first submodule allocates 16 bits and of that occupies 2 bits. 14 bits are
still available.
The subsequent 5 submodules do not allocate and each requires 4 bits.
The second, third and fourth submodule can occupy the required data
volume of 4 bits each, i.e. 12 bits.
For the fifth submodule, only 2 bits are available. The fifth module is
marked as wrong the data is not fully allocated.
Because there was not already enough information available for the
preceding module and the allocated area has been declared as "exhausted"
by the fieldbus coupler, no allocated area is available for the sixth
submodule. This module is also marked as wrong.
Variation of physical peripheral layout
The usage of active spacer modules bearing the item numbers 753-1629 and/or
753-1629/000-001 at PROFINET IO advanced fieldbus coupler 750-375 as of
firmware V2.1.x (03) enables the physical I/O module arrangement to be varied
within a defined maximum configuration. The rearrangement of the maximum
configuration will be implicitly enabled by the presence of at least one of the
above mentioned active spacer modules. The fieldbus coupler thus performs an
extenuated configuration check which offers following options concerning node
assembly to you:
Representation of actually not used I/O modules by an active spacer module
each as part of the maximum configuration inside the node (physical option
Omission of any I/O module as part of the maximum configuration at the
end of the node, i.e. just located before the end module (virtual option