I/O modules • 107
Counter modules 750-404/000-001
Modular I/O System
Counter with enable input 750-404/000-001
Technical description
The counter module also can be ordered as counter with enable input (750-
404/000- 001).
The counter begins processing with pulses at the CLOCK input. The changes
from 0 V to 24 V are counted.
The counting is enabled if the GATE (U/D)terminal is an open circuit input or
0V. To disable processing, the GATE (U/D)input is to be set to 24 V DC.
The data format of the module is 4 bytes data and a control/status byte. The
module is a 32 Bit counter. The format of input and output data is the same as
The counter module can operate with all WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM bus-couplers
(except for the economy type).