PIR sensor
The motion detector of the light manage-
ment system PIR uses passive infrared
technology and detects larger movements
in its detection range.
Fig. 21: Detection range of the PIR sensor.
VTL is an independently functioning light
management system. VTL is used to sim-
ulate the natural course of daylight with
the corresponding colour temperature and
illuminance. This positively influences hor-
mone production and supports the biologi-
cal rhythm in a natural way.
If you want to learn more about VTL, visit us at:
You can adapt the LUM CONNECT MAN-
AGE light management systems to your
individual requirements: read the operating
instructions of the POWER control which
can be found in the service area of our
homepage www.waldmann.com.
6. Operation
Fig. 22: Operating element.
6.1 Switching on and off
When switching on a luminaire with the
LUM CONNECT MANAGE light manage-
ment, indirect light and direct light are
switched on with a time delay. The light con-
trol is adjusted automatically to the reflec-
tion conditions of the room.
Switching VTL on and off
Press the upper switch, see Fig. 22.
If you switch VTL on, the luminaire con-
trols the colour temperature and the
illuminance of the indirect light in the
course of the day.
If you switch VTL off, it does not have
any direct effect on the direct light. The
light control remains activated. LUM
CONNECT MANAGE controls the inten-
sity of the direct light if the intensity in
the detection range of the daylight sen-
sor has changed. The automatic switch-
on and -off of the luminaire also remains
activated depending on the intensity in
the room. The luminaire switches off
automatically if the intensity of the day-
light is sufficient.
Switching the indirect light on and off
Press the upper switch, see Fig. 22