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Advice for regulation heating circuit (radiators, floor heating)
If the heating system is based on solar plant and the Walltherm boiler stove, it’s important
to use a heating controller* adapted for the system.
The floor heating and radiators can be activated only if there is enough hot heating water
in the storage tank. Otherwise it could happen, that just cold water flows through radiators
and floor heating.
Solution = the locking function:
If there is requirement (sensor F4 or F5) of the floor heating or radiators, the heating water
in the storage tank must have a minimum temperature (e.g. 60 °C).
If the minimum temperature is reached, the pump of the heating system can circulate as
the temperature of the storage tank sinks to a set value (e.g. 30 °C – F1)
Example: Thermostat 60°C (minimum temperature), with OFF-Hysteresis 30°C
* heating controller: controller for floor heating or radiators.
Connections to
the heating controller:
F1 sensor locking function
heating controller
(ON = 60°C, OFF = 30°C storage tank temp. )
F2 Forward flow temperature radiators
F3 Forward flow temperature floor
F4 room thermostat
F5 sensor depending of the weather
(usually it is used just F4 or F5)
heating system