produced and developed by
1.c Intended use / combustion technique
The Walltherm
is the first wood boiler stove using the gasification technique.
Walltherm is an innovative, technologically advanced boiler stove for heating, burning fuels
like firewood and wood briquettes providing a healthy and safe way of heating.
This boiler stove features the dual primary and secondary combustion system with
positive effects both on efficiency and on emission of “cleaner smoke”.
The Walltherm
placed in the Livingroom heats directly by radiation and all the residual
room through the central heating system (e.g. radiators/floor heating system). In the
storage tank can also be heated up hot domestic water.
The application of the boiler stove and its configurations as described above are the only
ones permissible by the manufacturer. Do not use the boiler stove in disagreement with
the instructions provided.
The described use of the boiler stove is applicable only for stoves in full structural,
mechanical and engineering condition.
The Walltherm, produced by Wallnöfer GmbH, must only be used indoors.
Generally: In a wood burning stove, a correctly burning flame emits the same amount
of carbon dioxide (CO
) as would be emitted through the natural decomposition of the
wood itself.
The quantity of CO
produced by combustion or decomposition of a tree is equal to the
quantity of CO
that the tree would have extracted from the environment, releasing
oxygen into the air whilst utilizing the carbon for growth during its lifetime.
Unlike wood, when fossil fuels are burned – which are not renewable, like coal, diesel oil
or gas – a huge amount of CO
accumulated in the course of millions of years is emitted
into the atmosphere, increasing the green-house effect. Consequently, the use of wood
as fuel maintains the perfect equilibrium of nature because it is a renewable fuel of which
burning is compatible with nature’s life cycle.
The principle of clean combustion is in perfect harmony with these characteristics and
Wallnöfer GmbH always adheres to it when designing their products.
The gasification burning system and its advantages:
Thanks to the gasification burning system of the Walltherm
- boiler stoves the efficiency
achieves over 90% and the emissions are really low.