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2.c Instruction for maintenance personal
comply with the indications given in this manual
always use individual safety devices and other protection means
before embarking on any maintenance work the boiler stove must be completely cold
even if only one of the safety devices is incorrectly calibrated or not working, the
boiler stove is to be considered “not working”
the electricity must be disconnected before any work is done on switches and
connectors. Make sure all parts of the boiler stove are cold.
Make sure the ashes are completely cold and not burning.
Use the individual protective gear as established by the EEC directive 89/391.
Check that the main line switch is off (if an electrical thermostat is used).
Make sure that the power supply cannot be switched on accidentally. Take the plug
out of the wall socket.
Do not remove or disconnect parts of the water pipes if they are under pressure.
Always use the most appropriate maintenance tools.
Once the maintenance or repair work is finished reinstall all the protections and
reactivate all the safety devices before switching the boiler stove back on.