The vacuum test is designed to validate the sterilizer performance in terms of:
Efficiency of the vacuum pump;
Tightness of the pneumatic circuit.
It consists of a vacuum phase, followed by a stabilization period of 5 minutes and a testing period of 10 minutes.
During the 10-minute testing period the internal pressure is monitored. The pressure rise must be less than 0.013 bar.
How to carry out the test
The test must be performed when the sterilizer chamber is completely dry and cold as otherwise the test could produce a “false
negative” outcome.
Once the cycle is finished, you may open the chamber door.
A display message informs if the test passed or failed.
If the test failed, check, clean or replace the door gasket, clean the chamber face side and the
chamber filter; repeat the test.
If the test fails repeatedly call technical service.
Follow local/national guidelines on the frequency of testing.
ANNEX 6. Vacuum test
Start the cycle: from the CYCLE SELECTION screen (HOME screen) select VACUUM TEST (see “Running a
sterilization cycle”).