IP-Watcher 2x2 Digital PoE
When no one is logged in, the page is used only for monitoring
purposes. No access to the acknowledgement buttons is
provided. Logging in with operator or administrator rights
enables these functions.
After successful login the user interface changes as follows:
If alarms are activated with software acknowledgement, the
buttons are displayed and can be used to confirm alarms.
These appear then in the line of the affected alarm.
The control elements for the login procedure on the upper
edge of the screen are replaced by a link for logging out.
The symbolic name of the alarms is shown corresponding to
the current alarm status. If the alarm was triggered, the name is
shown in bold red type; in the rest state it is green and in a
normal font.
If an alarm is present which can be acknowledged in software,
t h i s c a n b e a c c o m p l i s h e d u s i n g t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g
acknowledgement button.
If an alarm is acknowledged, it releases immediately,
even if the trigger, the trigger condition, still remains.
3.3 User page
The user page provides an overview of the state of the
Activated alarms
The page can be opened by clicking on links or by entering the
following address:
http://<IP address of the IP-Watcher>/user.htm