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3.2 Power wires should be neither too thin nor too long (otherwise it will cause large voltage drop 

and thus increase difficulty on motor start.) Connect the power wire and motor strictly in accordance 

with wiring diagram, and ensure that grounding line is also connected. Before power on, input voltage 
should be measured and checked, and then switch the motor on to inspect the rotating speed, rotating 


1. Supply voltage fluctuation should not go beyond the range 95% ~105% of the rated 


2. Connect the wires strictly in accordance with diagram.
3. Ground wire must be connected.

4. Take the shaft sleeve and flat keys away from shaft extension before power on, and 

keep the person and clothes far from rotation part.

5. Make the motor no-load running for sufficient time (usually 30~40 minutes).

4. Operation and maintenance

4.1 The highest ambient temperature for application is 40

,and the lowest is -15

4.2 Operational altitude should not exceed _____m.
Caution: According to the rule of GB755, the environment compensation dosage is 1% lower 

of temperature rise limit with each 100m in altitude increasing in case that the altitude is over 
1000m. This kind of motor, which can meet the requirement of operating in high altitude, lowers its 

temperature rise limit by expanding design margin. 

4.3 The motor allows reduced voltage starting and full voltage starting, but the current is 3.3~7.5 

times rated current when the motor start with full voltage. If the motor starts with reduced voltage, the 
torque also will be lower, since torque is proportional to the square of voltage. So the motor can only 
adopt direct on-line start when with large dead load.

4.4 Motor should not be applied in the environment where contains inflammable gases, corrosive 

gases and other harmful gases. (Except for the motor designed for the special circumstance).

4.5 Keep the motor clean and in good ventilation. 
4.6 If the abnormal issues, such as strange sound, overheating, burning smell or bearing heating 

etc. occur in operation, the motor should be stopped to have a check immediately. Restart the motor till 
all faults have been removed.

4.7 Keep the motor in good lubrication. Grease should be changed every 5000 hours operation 

(Grease may not be renewed in life cycle of sealed bearing). If the bearing is found to be overheating, 

people should stop the motor and check to see whether there is too much grease or not. It’s proper 

to fill 1/3~1/2 capacity of the bearing chamber with lubrication grease. ZL3 lithium-base grease is 


4.8 The motor should be inspected regularly according to its actual condition and need overhaul 


4.9 If the motor need to be laid up, it should be well packed and stored. Keep air dry and protect 
