Install Guide
Working with the QuickSetup Wizard
should be on the same network as the IP address you entered for the Firebox External
Configuring the public servers
For a drop-in configuration, on the wizard’s next screen, you enter information for
your public servers.
For drop-in configurations:
Enable the checkboxes that describe your network configuration:
I have an SMTP server behind my Firebox
I have an HTTP server behind my Firebox
I have an FTP server behind my Firebox
Enter the IP addresses for each server on your network.
For routed configurations:
Enable the checkbox labeled
I have an SMTP server behind my Firebox
Enter the SMTP server IP address.
Use the drop list to select whether the server is on the Trusted or Optional
Creating passwords for the Firebox
On the wizard’s next screen, you create passwords for the Firebox. Passwords must
be at least seven characters long. They can be any combination of numbers, letters,
and special characters. You must create two passwords:
Status password
The password used for establishing read-only connections to the Firebox.
Configuration password
The password used for establishing read/write connections to the Firebox.
The status and configuration passwords need to be different.
Tips for creating secure passwords
Although an attacker can crack any password eventually, you can tighten your
security using the following tips:
• Don’t use words in standard dictionaries, even if you use them backward or in a
foreign language. Create your own acronyms instead.
• Don’t use proper names, especially company names or those of famous people.
• Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase characters, numerals, and special
characters (such as Im4e@tiN9).
Uploading the security policy
On the wizard’s next screen, you send a security policy to the Firebox.