You have made an excellent choice! The Waterco pool heat pump will give you unique
comfort at low-price.
Using the latest technology in heat capture, the Waterco pool heat pump converts the
energy released by the sun and transfers it efficiently to your swimming pool.
During certain periods it may be necessary to operate your pool heat pump continuously
however this should not be of concern as your Waterco pool heat pump can heat up
your pool 80% more economically than the fossil fuel heating or heaters with electric
elements.Waterco pool heat pumps are designed specifically to heat up your swimming
pool economically.
To appreciate the benefits that the product will bring you, make sure to operate the unit
when the atmospheric conditions specified in this document are present in addition of
using a solar blanket to minimize heat loss. Pools not covered with a solar blanket lose 2 to
3 times more heat, regardless of types of heating!
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Pool Heat Pump