Open Loop or Well Water Systems
An alternative to closed loops are open loop systems, also known as
well-water systems. If your system is an open loop, it uses water that
comes into your home from your well. Water from the well is circulated
through the unit whenever the unit is heating or cooling. When the unit
is not running, it is not using any water.
Once the water has run through the unit, it is discharged into a location
like a pond, drainage ditch, field tile, etc. Water used in the unit is not
re-used for other domestic purposes.
If you have an open loop, record information here:
Total Domestic System designed for _____ gpm.
Geothermal System designed for ______ gpm.
Well depth: _______ ft. Pump depth: ______ ft.
Water table depth: ______ ft. Pump HP: ______
Well yield: ______ gpm
Unit Maintenance with Open Loop Systems
Depending on the water quality, some maintenance is usually required with a well water system. Because of miner-
als and other particles in the water, without a routine of preventive maintenance, this material may eventually begin
to clog the heat exchanger in the unit. When this happens, the efficiency and capacity of the unit is decreased,
eventually to the point where failure may occur.
To minimize the potential of this happening, a heat exchanger cleaning schedule should be established with your
dealer. The frequency will depend on the specific quality of your well water. Some homeowners find that they can
go a few years between cleanings; others may need to have the heat exchanger cleaned yearly. In order to achieve
optimum performance, energy savings and long system life, it is necessary to have your dealer perform this service
as needed. Remember-- preventive maintenance is less expensive than replacing major components.
The cleaning procedure requires special equipment and chemicals. Therefore, do not attempt to clean the heat
exchanger yourself.
Water Supply
An adequate water supply to the unit is very important. Do not let anyone disrupt the water supply by rerouting the
supply line or tapping into it without first checking with your dealer. If the well pumping system requires service or is
inoperable, your unit should be turned off or placed into emergency heat until an adequate water supply is restored.
Open Loop Systems