Your investment in a WaterFurnace geothermal system was a significant expenditure. While these systems are
among the most reliable HVAC systems available, your WaterFurnace system (and any other HVAC system) must
be properly maintained in order to achieve maximum performance and long system life (like your automobile). It is
recommended that you have your system thoroughly checked by your dealer twice per year (usually Spring and
Fall) to maintain optimum performance. If your dealer offers a maintenance agreement program, we suggest you
take advantage of it. Regular checks will ensure that your system performs safely and efficiently, with less likelihood
of major problems and premature failure.
Things You Can Do
1. Keep your filter clean
Standard Disposable Filters (Replace every 2-4 months) --
If you use disposable filters, change them
they accumulate too much dirt. Do not attempt to
a disposable filter. Simply throw it
away and reinstall a new one. Do not turn a dirty filter over to the clean side and reinstall it-- this results in
blowing the accumulated dirt right back into the home. Disposable filters can be purchased at most hard-
ware stores or through your local WaterFurnace dealer.
Pleated Disposable Filters (Replace every 2-4 months) --
If you use pleated filters, change them
they accumulate too much dirt. Do not attempt to
a pleated filter. Simply throw it
away and reinstall a new one. Pleated filters can be purchased at most hardware stores or through your
WaterFurnace dealer.
Electrostatic Filters (Clean every 1-2 months) --
If you use an electrostatic filter, clean it regularly. See
page 51 for instructions.
Electronic Air Cleaners (Clean and replace media every 2-4 months)
If you have an electronic air
cleaner, replace the filter media according to the manufacturer’s instructions. See page 50.
2. Check Drain Pan (Once per year during heavy cooling periods)
The drain pan accumulates water that has condensed on the air coil during cooling to provide dehumidification.
Occasionally, the drain hole in the pan (or the drain hose) can become clogged, and this will most likely occur
during the cooling season. See page 32 for cleaning instructions.
3. Check Duct Work (Once per year)
A recent study found that many homes had a least one section of duct disconnected resulting in the blowing of
conditioned air into attics or crawl spaces. Check any visible duct work, especially in attics or crawl spaces, for
disconnected sections or large leaks. Check registers in every room for air flow and to ensure they are open.
4. Check Thermostat (Once per month)
Check your thermostat to ensure that there are no fault signals being displayed or that Emergency Heat is not
being engaged. If you have selected Constant Fan on your thermostat, your operating cost will be affected more
(they will be higher) if your unit is equipped with a single speed PSC blower instead of a variable speed ECM
5. Check the Unit (Twice per year)
Check for LEDs that are ON (see page 30)
Check for moisture around the base of the unit or the flow center
Check for anything appearing or sounding unusual
6. Check Accessories (Twice per year)
Check for proper operation and for anything appearing or sounding unusual.