IG1602EW 06/12
Instruction Guide:
Elite Communicating Thermostats
Thermostat Operation
These communicating thermostats communicate via a
4-wire modbus protocol and will only operate with the aurora
Control System. TPCm32U03 is not applicable to variable speed
compressor equipment.
Adjusting Temperature
(Temporary Override in Programmable models)
1. Before you can adjust the temperature, a mODE must be
selected. If you are already in a heating or Cooling mode,
then skip to step 5.
2. To select a mODE, use the keypad
arrows to scroll to mODE, and then
press the center button on the key
pad to enter the operating mode
3. Select the desired mode by
scrolling up or down, with the
arrows, and then press the center
button on the keypad to enter into that mode.
4. You are now returned to the main menu and Figure 1 is a
similar view.
Outdoor temperature is only displayed
if an outdoor sensor is installed.
5. To increase the temperature set point, use the arrow up
button. To decrease the set point, use the arrow down
button. Press the center button on the key pad for the new
set point to be effective
Setting Date And Time
1. From the main menu, scroll to mENU and press the center
button ■ on the keypad.
2. Select SET DaTE aND TImE
3. If your area observes daylight savings time, select aUTO
DaYlIGhT SaVING, scroll to ON, then press the center
button ■ to save. You will be returned to the select SET
DaTE aND TImE menu. Scroll to SET DaTE aND TImE
and press the center button ■ on the keypad.
4. SET MONTH by using the up and down arrows ▲▼, and then
press the center button on the keypad to save the month.
5. SET DAY by using the up and down arrows ▲▼, and then
press the center button on the keypad to save the day.
6. SET YEAR by using the up and down arrows ▲▼, and then
press the center button on the keypad to save the year.
7. SET HOUR by using the up and down arrows ▲▼, and then
press the center button on the keypad to save the hour.
8. SET MINUTE by using the up and down arrows ▲▼, and
then press the center button ■ on the keypad to save the
9. Date and Time are now set. You can return to the main
menu by pressing the left arrow key to return to the
previous menu.
Hold Setting
Vacation and Permanent (Programmable models only)
This section describes the hOlD functions. You can program
the thermostat to hold the temperature for a period of time.
If you want to hold the temperature for a few hours or a few
weeks, your thermostat can accommodate your schedule.
Vacation Hold
(Programmable models only)
1. From the main menu, scroll to mENU and press the center
button ■ on the keypad.
3. First, the thermostat prompts you for a temperature to hold.
If you are in aUTO mODE you will be prompted for both
a heat setting and a cool setting. Use the up and down
arrows keys ▲▼ to select the desired temperature and
press the center button on the keypad.
4. Next it will prompt you for a date and time that you wish
to return to programmed operation. Returning to the main
Screen, you will notice that in the upper part of the screen
is alternating hOlD TIl *date and time you specified* and
the actual date and time.
5. To cancel this hold, scroll to CaNCEl hOlD from the main
Menu and press the center button ■.
Permanent Hold
(Programmable models only)
1. From the main menu, scroll to mENU and press the center
button ■ on the keypad.
3. First, the thermostat prompts you for a temperature to hold.
If you are in aUTO mODE you will be prompted for both
a heat setting and a cool setting. Use the up and down
arrows keys ▲▼ to select the desired temperature and
press the center button on the keypad.
4. Returning to the main Screen, you will notice that in the
upper part of the screen is alternating PERmaNENT hOlD
and the actual date and time.
5. You can adjust to permanent hold temperature at will, and
the temperature you select will remain until the permanent
hold is canceled.
6. To cancel this hold, scroll to CaNCEl hOlD from the main
Menu and press the center button ■. This will revert to the
programmed settings.
Figure 1
Elite Communicating Thermostats