Natural Ventilation to the Outdoors or
Adjacent Indoor Space
Nature ventilation can be achieved by ensuring that there is a
connected space to the room housing the equipment.
There must be a permanent opening between the spaces.
2. The area housing the equipment cannot be less than 20%
of the minimum floor area.
3. Permanent openings such as louvers must meet the fol-
lowing requirements and have a free area greater than
Anv as shown in the chart.
Mechanical Ventilation of the Equipment
One option for mitigation is to provide mechanical ventilation
to another area or room. The ventilation rate must be equal
to or greater than the airflow rate established in the Mechani-
cal Ventilation Rate chart. The area requirement for the room
size where the ventilation is directed must be equal or larger
to the area in established in the Minimum Room Area – Ex-
haust Ventilation chart. For modular chillers, the ventilation
rate is only necessary for the largest refrigerant charge in the
bank. All chillers must have the ability to trigger the mechani-
cal ventilation system if a leak is detected.
General Installation Information: Refrigerant Detection and Mitigation
Additional measures that can be taken to reduce the mini-
mum floor area for a given refrigerant charge is to elevate the
equipment installation. The ventilation and room area calcu-
lated above are based on equipment mounted to the floor. If
the installation height exceeds 2 ft up to a max of 6.6 ft, the
minimum room area requirement reduces.