Watlow Series 935A User’s Manual
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Convection Oven Application
A master chef bakes bread at 350°F for 30 minutes. He wants the oven at the proper temperature with an indication when it is ready to
begin baking. He isn't concerned if the oven is 10° cool at first. After he loads the oven, the chef wants to start the countdown time by
pressing a key. When the baking time is complete, he wants a 10 second audible indication that the bread is done.
Recommended Control
A Series 935A-1CD0-000G control.
Switched dc Output 1 wired to a dc input solid state relay (SSR) switches the heaters.
Electromechanical relay Output 2 wired to an AC audible indicator provides “done” indication.
Configuration Menu Set-up
After a
press, actual temperature appears for 15 seconds.
Heating output
Time; minutes:seconds
Output 2 turns ON briefly at the end of the timing cycle.
Timer waits to countdown until temperature deviation from set point <
value and the
is pressed.
Ready band; 10°F
Output 2 turns ON for 10 sec. at the end of the timing cycle.
Operations Menu Set-up
Bake time; 30 minutes
The set point temperature before a timing cycle starts and after a timing cycle completes.
Set Point =
Operator/Control Actions
With the oven "idling" at 75°F, the chef starts the preheat cycle with a
press. The display immediately shows 30:00 with the
colon ON steadily. The RDY LED is off. Series 935A begins to control to the 350°F bake set point.
As the actual oven temperature increases to within the Ready Band at 350°F ±10°F, the RDY LED turns on. The chef loads the
oven and presses ß to acknowledge the Ready Band and thereby start the bake cycle.
Time starts counting down. Actual temperature displays for 15 seconds after the
key is press. Then time displays with the
colon flashing.
If temperature deviates out of the Ready Band (less than 340°F or more than 360°F), timer countdown will pause, but will con-
tinue as soon as temperature re-enters the ready band.
When time reaches 00:00, Output 2 turns on for 10 seconds sounding the audible indicator. The chef can stop the audible indica-
tor by pressing
. The Series 935A then automatically shifts to the 75°F idle set point.
Timer Example