Audio File
An audio representation of a portion of an alert message, where the system
can concatenate audio files and deliver those to alert recipients in an audio
fashion. The audio files can be delivered to desktop browser Digital Alert
Viewer, to walkie-talkies via two way radio interface, and to PA systems or
amplified speaker systems
Report Template
A predefined template for delivery of scheduled standardized reports via e-
Audio Gateway
A device that allows Ethernet based audio output to PA systems, speakers, and
two-way radio systems
Messaging Client
A function that allows users to manually generate messages to be sent to
pagers, e-mail, and/or XMPP apps, by selecting one or more recipients that are
associated with those types of outputs
Messaging Groups
A function that allows creation of groups of Messaging Client recipients, for
ease of multi-selecting recipients in the Messaging Client function
Pager ID
A numerical value that defines how alerts are routed through the system.
Synonyms to Pager ID can include Address, Extension, Capcode, PIN, and
A Settings field parameter that can be used to help the system filter the
routing of messages. The Whitelist contains a list of one or more Pager ID
values and tells the system to route messages to all listed Pager ID values. The
Whitelist can be used with Data Inputs that use the COMP1 or Inovonics
protocol. The Whitelist can be used with all Data Outputs. The Whitelist and
Blacklist cannot be both in the same Settings field, as they contradict each
other. An example Whitelist is whitelist=101;105;223, or whitelist=101
A Settings field parameter that can be used to help the system filter the
routing of messages. The Blacklist contains a list of one or more Pager ID
values and tells the system to route messages to all Pager ID values other than
the listed Pager ID values. The Blacklist can be used with Data Inputs that use
the COMP1 or Inovonics protocol. The Blacklist can be used with all Data
Outputs. The Whitelist and Blacklist cannot be both in the same Settings field,
as they contradict each other. An example Blacklist is blacklist=101;105;223,
or blacklist=101
A list of one or more Pager ID values, defined as a parameter in a Settings field
for a Data Input configuration record, when that Data Input uses the Inovonics
protocol. The Maintlist tells the system to route maintenance related
messages to all listed Pager ID values. Those maintenance related messages
can include Battery and Tamper notifications for Inovonics sensors. An
example Maintlist is maintlist=221;145, or maintlist=221