Figure 32 – LED Displays Configuration
The Filter field allows you to search the grid for any text value. The grid auto-adjusts to show you
records that contain the filter value. To clear the filter, remove the filter text, press the Enter key when
the cursor is in a blank Filter field, or refresh the page.
Add new LED display
The Add new LED display button allows you to create a new record. To create a new record, click the
Add new LED display button.
The ID field is a reference field identifying the database record ID value
The reference name for the LED display.
IP Address
The IP Address of the LED display. Edit the IP address to match that configured into the LED display.
The Settings value used with the associated LED display. The Settings value can be blank but can also be
used to allow filtering of which messages get delivered to the associated LED display. If the Settings
value is blank, and the Event Processing System is disabled, then all alerts processed by the system will
be delivered to the associated LED display.
You can use blacklist and whitelist settings values to filter which Pager ID values are associated with the
LED display, allowing the LED display to only display messages associated with the defined Pager ID