Alert Type
Controls whether or not a Text Input Alert is processed or not. Alert Type is also a reference text used to
create part of the alert text for an active alert associated with this Text Input Alert message. Alert text
format is
Alert Type
+ " @ " +
, e.g.
Pendant Rm. 201 J. Larsen @ Cafeteria
Location information is added to the alert text if the Add Location feature is enabled.
The room that the sensor associated with the Text Input Alert message is assigned to. Typically used
with fixed sensors. Room can be an optional assignment and can also represent common areas, such as
bathrooms, meeting rooms, lobbies, cafeteria, etc.
Reference text used to create part of the alert text for an active alert associated with this Text Input
Alert message. The Reference value can be edited in the Alert Client app to allow dynamic
reconfiguration of alert messages. Alert text format is
Alert Type
+ " @ " +
Pendant Rm. 201 J. Larsen @ Cafeteria
. Location information is added to the alert text if the Add
Location feature is enabled.
The resident that the sensor associated with the Text Input Alert message is assigned to. Typically used
with mobile sensors. Resident can be an optional assignment that can improve the detail in an alert
message, as required.
A value that can be used to generate a single click web based action when the action icon is clicked for a
selected alert in the Alert Client app.
Action Type
Tells the server how to format the action value so that the Alert Client can perform the appropriate
action when the action icon is tapped for a given alert.
The Alert Processing Schedule assigned to the sensor associated with this Text Input Alert message. If
no schedule is assigned, alerts associated with the sensor may be monitored continuously. Schedules
can be assigned in other areas of the system, such as Rooms, Residents and Wireless Receivers. Where
schedules are layered during the process of generating alerts or delivering alert notifications, for the
system elements where a schedule is assigned, if any one or more of those assigned schedules indicate
that the alert should be generated, the alert will be generated.