with that User Account. When there are Backup Zones assigned to the affected primary Zone, and the
Backup Response Threshold value for a given alert is exceeded, that alert will be delivered to any User
Account that is marked to receive Supervisory Alerts, using all communication methods associated with
that User Account.
Appendix G – HTTP Data Input Protocol
The HTTP Data Input protocol is designed to allow systems to push data to RMS via HTTP GET or POST
methods, on IP port 80. The HTTP Data Input protocol auto-detects GET vs POST methods of usage.
successful delivery of the HTTP Data Input command causes the server to respond with a plain text value
The HTTP input protocol supports the following parameters:
cancel (0=not cancelled, 1=cancelled)
The HTTP Data Input protocol URL format for the GET method is as follows:
, where ip_address is the IP address
of the RMS, NNN is a numeric pager ID (PIN) value of any length, and AAAA is an alphanumeric message
value of any length. Message lengths longer than 240 characters will be truncated.
The cancel parameter is optional.
The POST method passes the same parameters as the GET method, but uses POST header variables. The
POST method URL would look like the following:
Following is an example URL using the GET method where the cancel parameter is not included
(assumed cancel = 0):!
Following is an example URL using the GET method where the cancel parameter is included to indicate
alert initiated
Following is an example URL using the GET method where the cancel parameter is included to indicate
the alert is cancelled: