background image


Teaching the window size:

The window size is defined by two switching limits.


1. Place the target on the position of near switching point.

2. Connect the teaching line (Pin 2) with +V (Pin 1) for 0.1...2 s. LED flashes slowly (1 Hz). 

3. Within <20 s, place the target on the position of the far switching point and connect the teaching 

line with +V for 0.1...2 s.

4. LED flashes 2 times: 

teach procedure successful 

LED flashes 4 times: 

teach procedure not successful

2-step teaching:

Both conditions (background and object) can be taught successively. The switching point is placed 

between the object and the background.


1. Place the target on the position of near switching point.

2. Connect the teaching line (Pin 2) with +V (Pin 1) for 2...4 s. LED flashes slowly (1 Hz). 

3. Within <20 s, remove the target and connect the teaching line with +V for 2...4 s.

4. LED flashes 2 times: 

teach procedure successful 

LED flashes 4 times: 

teach procedure not successful

Autoteach procedure:

Opens a teach window for 4...8 s and automatically teaches passing objects. The switching point is 

placed between the object and the background.


1. Connect the teaching line (Pin 2) with +V (Pin 1) for 4...6 s. LED flashes fast (2 Hz). 

2. Within the next 4...8 s, the autoteach procedure detects passing objects.

3. LED flashes 2 times: 

teach procedure successful 

LED flashes 4 times: 

teach procedure not successful

Changing the switching function:

Changes between NO <=> NC. Causes a inversion of the switching output function (signal inversion on 

objects within / outside the window).


1. Connect the teaching line (Pin 2) with +V (Pin 1) for >6 s.

2. LED flashes 2 times: 

change successful 

LED flashes 4 times: 

change not successful
