MF Freezer
Operating manual
WCB Ice Cream
Starting the pumps
For a quick key reference please open the Operator Panel folder in the end of this manual.
By pressing the pump start key K1 the pumps will start, the pump set point screen will be displayed
and The LED L1 will light up.
By pressing K1 once more the pumps will stop and L1 will turn off.
If any of the following faults are detected the pumps will not start but an error message will displayed
Instead. The faults are the following:
Error 1: Dasher Breaker Tripped
Error 3: Pump Breaker Tripped
Error 5: Pump VFD not ready
Error 6: Error in Mains Supply
For a closer description of the error see the alarm section.
If these alarms occur when the pumps are running the pumps will shut down L1 will turn off and the
relevant alarm message will be displayed.
Screen field description:
1. This field indicates the minimum capacity of the pumps. It can be adjusted in the Set Up Menu
2. This is the pump speed setpoint in litres per hour.
3. The bar graph is showing the pump speed setpoint in litres per hour.
4. This field indicates the maximum capacity of the pumps. It can be adjusted in the Set UP
To increase the setpoint press K9 (Arrow Right). To decrease the setpoint press K6 (Arrow Left).
Pressing the K5 (Escape) will display the main menu screen on the display.
Pressing the K10 (Enter) will display the next production screen on the display and at the same enable
the Automatic production page scroll-function.