1.2 Machine Description
The CR 4 soil compactors are machines of the walk-behind type used for compaction work in road construction and
landscape applications.
The CR4 is driven by a Hatz Diesel engine or a Honda gasoline engine.
Please refer to paragraph 1.3 (Specifications) for performance details of the engine and the whole
The engine (1/1) drives the vibrator via a V-belt. The vibrator is screwed down to the base plate (1/6) and sets it
vibrating. The vibrating base plate performs the vibration work and travelling motion.
A damper plate (2.4.3) and an undercarriage (2.4.4) are available as optional extras.
The soil compactor is started by means of a reversible starter (1/5).
The machine is steered with the handle (1/3) holding the lever (1/12) for the engine speed adjustment and the drive
lever (1/2) for the selection of the direction of travel and of the infinitely variable speed. The spring bar (1/11) allows
to lock the handle in vertical position during working breaks and when the machine is transported.