● The appl�ance should be placed on a flat or hard surface.Also, make sure there �s at least two meters
of clearance on the top of the un�t for steam evacuat�on.
● Do not add any aromat�c substances (powder, l�qu�d, o�l, etc.) �nto the water tank or from the steam
outlet. Only add aromat�c o�l to the scent sponge at the bottom of the un�t.
● Wh�le transport�ng the mach�ne, be sure that there �s no water �n �t. When not �n use unplug the
● Do not use the mach�ne �f �t �s not fully assembled or parts of the appl�ance are m�ss�ng.
● It �s suggested to use clean water w�thout l�me.
● Do not pour hot water �ns�de the mach�ne.
● The best operat�ng env�ronment �s temperature from 5
°C to 40°
C and hum�d�ty less than 80% RH.
● Do not place the mach�ne �n d�rect sunl�ght.
● It �s not recommended to place the dev�ce under a�r cond�t�oners and near heat�ng sources, as th�s may
affect the hum�d�ty level of the dev�ce.
Place the appl�ance on the level and f�rm surface.
Do not operate the un�t w�thout water.
To f�ll the tank, remove the water tank cover and pour water �nto the water tank, do not pour
water from the m�ddle hole. Wa�t a few m�nutes before start�ng the mach�ne.
ATTENTION: After add�ng water to the mach�ne, wa�t 2 m�nutes for �t to become ready.
Water should not exceed the level of p�llar at the water tank.
Put back the water tank cover at r�ght pos�t�on l�ke below p�cture.
Make sure the f�lter �s properly �n place.
You can take out the aroma box from the base and put o�l on the Aroma Sponge �f you des�re. 3 to 5
drops of o�l on the sponge are usually adequate depend�ng on the qual�ty of o�l and des�red amount of
aroma. Wash the sponge and dry �t well after us�ng.
Plug �n the appl�ance, touch the ON/OFF �con on the base or remote control. The appl�ance w�ll beep
one t�me. The LCD d�splay w�ll be on. The d�splay w�ll show the hum�d�ty % near the mach�ne and the
funct�on you set. The m�st w�ll start com�ng out after some seconds.
Press the SPEED �con on the base or remote control to adjust the speed from weak-med�um-strong.
Press the TIMER �con on the remote control to set the t�me, 1, 2, ……, 11, 12 hours.
Press the HUMIDITY on the base or remote control to set the hum�d�ty %, from 45% to 90%.
When the appl�ance �s on, �t shows the current hum�d�ty level. When the room reaches the hum�d�ty
% you set, the mach�ne w�ll stop work�ng automat�cally. When the hum�d�ty % decrease and becomes less
than the preset hum�d�ty %, the mach�ne w�ll start work�ng aga�n. If you don’t set the room hum�d�ty, the
mach�ne w�ll keep runn�ng unt�l the water �s over.
Take �n account that the tolerance between the read�ng of your home hum�d�ty meter and the hum�d�f�er
depend�ng on the d�stance between the hum�d�ty meter and the hum�d�f�er.
Press LIGHT on the base or remote control to turn on/off the n�ght l�ght.
Press the SLEEP ICON on the base or remote control to set the LCD d�splay ON/OFF.
If there �s not enough water �n the water tank, the appl�ance w�ll beep and the d�splay w�ll show tw�nkle
�nd�cat�on and have beep �nd�cat�on vo�ce. The appl�ance w�ll stop work�ng after some seconds. Unplug
the appl�ance and ref�ll the water tank.
If mo�sture collects around the appl�ance, th�s �s not a defect. It may be an �nd�cat�on that the
hum�d�ty level �s set too h�gh. Reduce the m�st output or reduce the hum�d�ty %.
It �s normal to hear dr�pp�ng sound when the m�st output �s at h�gh level.
If the un�t won’t be used for an extended per�od of t�me, unplug �t from the wall outlet.
Summary of Contents for WHC740
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