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To grip the part, the control system performs the program sequence depicted in Figure 15. When the GRIP
command is issued, the fingers move apart since the NO PART Limit is higher than the RELEASE Limit. To
release the part, perform the program sequence depicted in Figure 16. Since GRIP 1 has been parameterized
in this example, the grip index 1 must also be used for performing the program sequences mentioned above.
As a visualization index, 0 was selected to visualize the gripping state via the illuminated ring on the gripping
module: In the released state, the illuminated ring shows an animation inwards in blue; if the part is correctly
gripped, it changes to green.
Function Block for Siemens TIA Portal
For TIA portal, there is a function block available at
“Downloads”. The documentation of the function block can be found in the downloaded file.