Weiss Engineering Ltd., Florastr. 42, CH-8610 Uster
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+41 1 940 22 14
If the “Preview” option is not marked, the
snapshots will be recalled as soon as you en-
ter a new number.
Press the “recall” key to return to the status dis-
“Recall 0”
Snapshot 0 can be use for fast reset.
To store the current workspace to a snapshot,
press the “store” key. With the gain/ data con-
troller (
) enter the snapshot number where you
want to store the workspace, then press key D.
Snapshots can be prevented from accidental era-
sure by marking the “Safe” option.
A setting can be stored to multiple snapshots.
Press “To Range” in the “store” menu.
Graph 13: Store To Range Menu
Press the adjacent keys to select “Start” and
“End” snapshot number, use the “gain/ data” en-
coder to enter a value (Graph 13). Pressing “Exe-
cute” will store the setting from the displayed
workspace (“A” or “B”) to all snapshots between
the Start and End value. A “Safe” snapshot will
not be overwritten.
All 128 snapshots can be transferred to another
non-volatile memory area for later reference.
There is enough memory for two complete snap-
shot sets to be backed up.
Press the “menu” key (
) then choose the “Snap-
shots” and then the “Backup” option to arrive at
the backup display (Graph 14).
Graph 14: Backup Display
Select “Create 1” to save the current snapshots
to bank 1. Select “Restore 1” to overwrite the
current snapshots with bank 1 (ditto for bank 2).
A backup will overwrite “safe” snapshots.
To reinstall the factory snapshots you must press
the “menu” key then choose the “Snapshot” and
then the “Reset all” option. This will reset the
current snapshots. The snapshots that have been
backed up are preserved.
The settings of all 128 snapshots can be dumped
to a remote control port to be stored externally.
Please make sure that you have connected eve-
rything correctly and that the proper remote
control port is activated (see chapter Remote
Control for setup).
When dumping to a MIDI-sequencer, make sure
that the sequencer is not sending or receiving data
other than the snapshot dump.
Certain sequencers are not capable of hand-
ling the amount of data output by the DS1-
MK2 and might crash during or after the
dump process.
To initiate a dump, press the “menu” key then
choose the “Snapshot” and then the “Dump”
option. Start the recording process on the se-
quencer, then press “Transmit”. This releases the
dump to the sequencer.
To load a snapshot dump from sequencer, simply
play the dump sequence. The DS1-MK2 will
automatically switch into receive mode and dis-