4.2.4 How to cook with the ConvoSense assistance system
For your safety when using the combi oven
Before starting work, it is essential that you familiarize yourself with the rules and hazard warnings
specified in 'Working safely with the appliance' on page 34, and follow the instructions given there.
Undercooked food
Risk as a result of consuming undercooked food
When cooking with the ConvoSense assistance system, food may be undercooked as a result of
incorrectly recognized food, which is always a statistical possibility.
Makes sure that automatic food recognition is working properly, and correct any cooking profile that
may have been recognized incorrectly.
Make sure that the panel over the camera is clean.
If necessary, cook using Press&Go
Check the cooked food before it is released for consumption.
Ensure you exercise due diligence with regard to HACCP.
Prior knowledge required
You need to know these operations:
Opening and closing the appliance door safely
Loading and removing food
Putting away and retrieving the core temperature probe
Using a USB stick
You are sufficiently familiar with using the software to be able to select saved cooking profiles or
enter new cooking profiles that are suitable for the food you wish to cook, and to run these profiles,
see operating instructions
The combi oven and accessories and fittings used have been cleaned properly.
There are no foreign objects in the cooking chamber.
The oven drain is not blocked or clogged with any residues. The filter is fitted in place on the oven
The interior glass door of the appliance door is secured properly in place.
The suction panel is properly locked in place.
The USB cover is covering the USB port.
If the appliance sits on an open stand, there is no hot food in the stand giving off steam.
The racks are fitted and secured.
The network connection and camera are working properly.
You have the food prepared ready to place in the combi oven.
How to cook
Open the page for Cooking with the assistance system.
Follow the prompts displayed by the software.
4 Cooking procedures
User manual