2. General Installation Instructions
a. To ensure proper thermostat operation and calibration, batteries
(supplied with your Well-Connect) must be placed in the Well-
Connect wireless thermostat at the beginning of the installation.
The thermostat must then be temporarily placed near the
existing building thermostat during the rest of the installation to
allow time for the sensor in the wireless thermostat to acclimate
itself to the surroundings. Once the installation is complete,
verify that the temperature displayed on the Well-Connect
thermostat matches the temperature displayed on the existing
thermostat. If there is a difference in the two readings, see item
l. For permanent thermostat locations based on the Well-
Connect installation configuration, see item k.
b. Connect the supply water line ahead of (before) the water
softener (if present), as the Well-Connect does not require
softened water.
c. Insulate all water lines that run through any area of the building
or home where condensation is undesirable.
d. If the water system relies on a conventional pressure tank setup
to maintain household water pressure, Terra Caloric
recommends sufficient tank capacity to allow a minimum 8-10
minute pump cycle rate when the Well-Connect is running in
order to avoid excessive pump cycling. To achieve this, it is
recommended that you have a minimum of 15 gallons of draw
down available from the well system for the WCVC-16 model
and 24 gallons for the WCVC-24 model. Additional pressure
tank capacity may be required to achieve the minimum draw
down volumes. The following chart gives general pressure tank
capacities, dimensions, and draw down volumes. For exact
specifications of a given tank, contact the tank manufacturer.