TThhee ssoollddeerriinngg ttooooll bbeeccoom
meess hhoott dduurriinngg tthhee FFaaccttoorryy
CCoonnttrrooll CChheecckk.. NNeevveerr lleeaavvee ccoom
mbbuussttiibbllee m
maatteerriiaallss nneeaarr
tthhee hhoott ssoollddeerriinngg iirroonn..
66..22..22 AAddjjuussttiinngg FFaaccttoorryy CCoonnttrrooll CChheecckk SSeettttiinnggss (( FFCCCC ))
CCoonnttrrooll CChheecckk aatt 221122°°FF//110000°°CC
DDeepprreessss tthhee DDOOW
WNN SSccrroollll KKeeyy
The station sets the temperature of the soldering tip to
212°F/100°C. Once the temperature becomes stable (at
which point the indicator flashes), the soldering tip
temperature reading on the external device is compared
to that shown on the station display. If the temperature
readings differ, the UUPP// DDOOW
WNN Scroll Keys can be used
to make adjustments. The temperature Offset is indicat-
ed in the display. A maximum temperature adjustment
of ±72°F/±40°C is possible. After the measured temper-
ature matches that shown on the station display,
depress the Radio Button IIII to confirm. The temperature
Offset is reset to 0. This concludes the Factory Control
Check adjustments at 212°F/100°C.
Press Radio Button IIIIII to exit the menu without saving
any changes.
CCoonnttrrooll CChheecckk aatt 884422°°FF//445500°°CC
DDeepprreessss tthhee UUPP SSccrroollll KKeeyy
The station sets the temperature of the soldering tip to
842°F/450°C. Once the temperature becomes stable (at
which point the indicator flashes), the soldering tip
temperature reading on the external device is compared
to that shown on the station display. If the temperature
readings differ, the UUPP// DDOOW
WNN Scroll Keys can be used
to make adjustments. The temperature offset is indicat-
ed in the display. A maximum temperature adjustment
of ±72°F/±40°C is possible. After the measured temper-
ature matches that shown on the display, depress the
Radio Button IIII to confirm. The temperature offset is
reset to 0. This concludes the Factory Control Check
adjustment at 842°F/450°C.
Press Radio Button IIIIII to exit the menu without saving
any changes.
After both control points, 212°F(100°C) and 842°F
(450°C), have been set and confirmed, the Factory
Control Check process is complete.
66..22..33 SSttaattiioonn CCooddee ((IIDD nnuum
When using multiple WD stations, you can assign a
number from 0 - 999 to each soldering station for iden-
tification purposes.
Use the UUPP // DDOOW
WNN Scroll Keys to change the ID num-
Switch to previous menu item with Radio Button II.
Switch to next menu item with Radio Button IIII.
Radio Button IIIIII is used to exit Special Functions Menu
77.. OOppeerraattiinngg GGuuiiddeelliinneess
During initial heat-up, tin the soldering tip with solder
to remove oxidation and contamination on the soldering
tip. Before placing tool in holder, be sure the soldering
tip is well tinned. Use of an aggressive flux will shoten
tip life.
The contact surfaces between the heating element/sen-
sor and the soldering tip must not be obstructed. Dirt or
foreign materials could cause damage and could affect
tip temperature accuracy.