Step 7 -
Set Time Format to 12-hours or 24-hours
The current time format will flash. If the voice function is on, the
meter will say, “Set 12-hour, set 24 hour.” Scroll up or down to se-
lect for either 12-hours format or 24-hours format. Press the scroll
wheel to confirm your choice and advance to set hour.
Step 8 -
Set Hour
The current hour will flash. If the voice function is on, the meter
will say, “Set Hour.” Scroll up or down to select the correct hour (if
12-hours time format is selected in step 7, please pay attention
to the AM/PM symbol to the right of the minutes). Press the scroll
wheel to confirm your choice and advance to set minutes.
Step 9 -
Set Minutes:
The current minutes will flash. If the voice function is on, the me-
ter will say, “Set Minutes.” ”Scroll up or down to select the correct
minutes. Press the scroll wheel to confirm your choice and finish
setting the clock.