+86-510-85161517 I info@welsonpower.com I www.welsonpower.com
How it works
Work modes:
(with PV Power)
This mode applies the area that has low feed-in tariff
and high energy price.
The power generated from PV will be used to supply the
the local loads firstly, then to charge the battery. The
redundant power will export to the public grid.
Work modes:
(without PV Power)
When no PV supplied, battery will discharge for local
loads firstly, and grid will supply power when the battery
capacity is not enough.
Work modes:
Force time use
(when charging)
(when discharging)
This mode applies the area that has electricity price
between peak and valley. User can use off peak
electricity to charge the battery.
The charging and discharging time can be set flexibly,
and it also allows to choose whether charge from the
grid or not.
Work modes:
Feed in Priority
This mode applies the area that has high feed-in tariff
and export control.
The PV generated power will be used to supply the local
loads firstly, then export to the public grid. The
redundant power will charge the battery.