TO seT Up A
sTep rIser
5. Grasp the end of the top step at the “hand position” decals, and place your right foot on the
riser leg decal.
6. Lift the riser toward you until
you hear the latch pin snap
twice. When lifting, keep your
foot on the leg decal and lean
back so your body weight helps
pull up the riser.
IMPORTANT: The rear legs
must be straight up and down,
and the second lock must be
engaged, or the riser is not
fully latched.
7. To install a back rail, side rail or
4th step unit, refer to the
instructions on pages 8 to 10.
To avoid injury,
grasp ends of top
step only at “hand
position” decals.
Riser will fall if
latch pin is not
properly engaged.