background image

Lock casters on one end frame by depressing

foot brake.  Attach frame lock of horizontal brace to the 
outside vertical post of the end frame just above the sec-
ond horizontal from the top.

Lock casters on remaining end frame and

raise to vertical position.  Attach the opposite end of the
horizontal brace to the remaining end frame at the same
height on the vertical post.

Place platform at the desired height by placing

hooks of platform on end frame horizontals.

Place horizontal braces at the appropriate

level for use as guard rails by attaching frame locks to
end frame horizontals. Remove all people and material and
final level using adjustable legs. Read and understand all
instructions on scaffold and scaffold platform before use.
Check Federal, State, and Local Codes regarding use of
outriggers, toe boards, and guard rails or consult 
the manufacturer.




Attach frame lock of horizontal-diagonal brace to

the vertical post of one end frame just above the bottom 
horizontal.  Attach the opposite end of the horizontal-diagonal
brace to the opposite vertical post of the other end frame at the
same height.  Repeat with the other horizontal-diagonal brace 
to form a horizontal "X" as shown.

Lock all adjustable leg assemblies and run 

safety nuts up snugly against locking collar.

Pre-level end frames by unlocking adjustable leg

assemblies and extending the legs equally.

Attach frame lock of diagonal brace to 

horizontal of opposite end frames so that one end is two
horizontals above or below the other.  Repeat with the
other diagonal brace to form a vertical "X" as shown. 







Wide Span Aluminum Scaffold Base Section Assembly Instructions

Lock casters on remaining end frame and raise

to vertical position.  Attach the opposite end of the 
horizontal brace to the remaining end frame at the same 
height on the vertical post.

Lock casters on one end frame by depressing

foot brake.  Attach frame lock of horizontal brace to the out-
side vertical post of the end frame just above the second hori-
zontal from top. 

Lock all adjustable leg assemblies and run

safety nuts up snugly against locking collar.

Place platforms at desired height by placing

hooks of platforms on end frame horizontals.

Attach frame lock of diagonal brace to 

horizontal of opposite end frames so that one end is two
horizontals above or below the other.  repeat with the
second diagonal brace to form a vertical "X" as shown.
Repeat procedure with remaining pair of diagonal braces
on the other side of base section.

Attach frame lock of horizontal-diagonal brace

to the vertical post of one of the of the end frames just above
the bottom horizontal.  Attach the opposite end of the 
horizontal-diagonal brace to the opposite vertical post of the
other end frame at the same height.  Repeat with the other
horizontal-diagonal brace to form a horizontal "X" as shown.











Narrow Span Aluminum Scaffold Base Section Assembly Instructions 


Pre-level end frames by unlocking adjustable 

leg assemblies and extending legs equally.

Place horizontal braces at the appropriate

level for use as guard rails by attaching frame locks to 
end frame horizontals.  Remove all people and material 
from scaffold and final level using adjustable legs. Lock all
adjustable legs and read all instructions on scaffold and 
scaffold platforms before use. Check Federal,State and Local
Codes regarding use of outriggers, toe boards, and guard rails 
or consult manufacturer.
