Operating your stove –UNIQ 37
CO Alarm
Your installer should have fitted a CO alarm in the same roomas the appliance. If the alarm soundsunexpectedly,
follow the instructionsgiven under “Warning Note” above.
Use a fireguard in the presence of children, and old and/or infirm people. The fireguard should be manufacturedin
accordancewith BS 8423:2002, Fireguardsfor use with solid fuel appliances.
Initial lighting
The heat-resistant paint onyour stove will cure and hardenthe first time youlight your appliance. The curing process
producesa gooddeal of smoke and odour,it is therefore important that the first time youlight your stovethe room
should be well ventilated. Duringthe processit is important to openand close the stove doorperiodically (every
30mins) duringthe first couple of firingstherefore preventing the doorseal cordaroundthe doorfrom sticking and
comingaway fromthe door.Oncethe Heat-resistantpaint has hardened; the stove doormust be kept closed except
when lighting the stove, adding firewood or removingash in orderto prevent flue gasfrom escaping.
Lighting your appliance
Quality Firelighters should be used when lighting the stove. (Never use mentholated spirit, petrol or other
flammable liquids). Lighting your stovewith fire lighters will be morereliable and easier than paper.
To light your stove
Place a few smaller pieces of dry wood(kindling) in the stove ontop of the nontoxic firelighters.
Fully pull openthe air slider (Secondary air) and air slider (Primary air) it maybe necessary pull the ash pan
drawer open1cm as well)
Lightthe firelighters close the door.
Oncethe fire has caught, add three pieces of wood measuring approx22cm with a combinedweight of approx
2.1kg and close the door.
After approximately 3 minutes when the fire is burning brightly shut the primary air slider under the ash pan.
After approximately another 3 minutes close the secondary air slider by 38%, for the stove to burncleanly
plenty of secondary air is needed, donot be temptedto shut the fire downtoo early as this may cause smoke.
At nominal heat output,expect to refuel yourstove approximately once an hour.
are all equipped with a
controlsiders for secondary air designedto ensure a plentiful supply of oxygenduring
firing. Whenlit, the stovewill get very hot and due care must therefore be exercised. Please use a glove when
operating handles and air sliders.
To re-fuel in the cleanest way. Beforerefuelling opensecondaryair slider fully, also openprimary air slider fully and
leave for 5 minutes. Opendoorgently, add three pieces of wood measuring approx22 cm with a combinedweight
of approx2.1kg and close the door.Leave the air sliders openfor 10 minutesto allow the fire to reacha good
temperature. Thenclose primary air slider and slide secondary air slider by 38% .
In the event of a chimney fire: Closethe
primary and secondary
air slidersand the stove door,and call 999 or
your local fire department. If your stoveis over heating close the Primary and secondary air sliders and
doorisfirmly closed, and left until the stove has returntonominal temperatures’.
BasicPositions ofair slidersduringOperation
You will need to become familiar with your stove in order to be able to regulate the secondaryair intake correctly,
as factorssuchas the quality and height of your chimney, the quality of your fuel and the external conditionsplay a
large role in your stove performance.It is easy to see whether the stove is functioning correctly; however incomplete
combustionmay lead to a build-up of hard, shiny soot onthe inside of your stove and glass.
To prevent sooting of the chamber and glass introduce secondary air, also check that your wood is dry.
It is important to checkthe draft conditionsbefore lighting your stove. Thismay be done, for instance, by crumpling
a piece of newspaper, placing it in the combustionchamber and lighting it. The draft conditionsare goodif the
smoke is drawn away throughthe chimney.