Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless and
tasteless gas which is toxic and can quickly become a
mortal danger. Amongst others, carbon monoxide is
formed during incomplete combustion processes (e.g. in
case of a defective heating boiler or clogged chimney).
The battery powered Westfalia carbon monoxide (CO)
detector is designed for stationary use in residential hous-
es. It already detects low concentrations of carbon monox-
ide and emits both an acoustic (85 dB/m) and an optic
warning signal (red blinking LED) in case of danger. How-
ever, the electrochemical sensor is only able to early
detect gas particles in a limited area!
Furthermore, a carbon monoxide detector is not a substi-
tute for smoke, fire, or other detectors. It detects neither
smoke nor heat nor other gases.
Signs of a Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Carbon monoxide binds to the dye of the red blood cells
thus hindering the transport of oxygen, which can lead to
death by suffocation. A high CO concentration might lead
to death within a few minutes!
Typical signs of poisoning at
low CO concentration: mild headache, nausea, fatigue
(flue like symptoms),
medium CO concentration: strong headache, tachycar-
dia, vomiting,