B E L 1 8 0 S E M I - A U T O M A T I C R A N D O M T A P E S E A L E R
Top Tapehead Downward Force [Pressure Regulator] Adjustment
The top tapehead downward force can be adjusted to provide adequate clamping of the top flaps
and proper taping performance. Too much downward force can cause crushing of the top of the
case or create taping problems.
The regulators for the top tape head and conveyor grip are on the
left-hand side of the machine next to the pneumatic air supply and solenoid control valves.
The right hand regulator controls
the top tape head downward force.
To adjust the downward force of the top tapehead, have the machine in ‘Ready’ mode and
use a screwdriver to manually actuate the right-hand end valve on the manifold so that the
pressure indicates on the regulator gauge. Turn the regulator knob to adjust the pressure, it
should be set in the range of 15 psi for average conditions.
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