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A-7000 / Sep 2002
M O N O M I C / L I N E I N P U T M O D U L E
Talkback to Control Room
If an ML-7000 module is being used for a studio microphone, this
connection allows talkback from that studio to the console operator.
Provide a closure between Pin 14 (A TB to CR) or Pin 20 (B TB to CR)
and Digital Ground (Pins 4, 10, 17 or 23). This will cause the module’s pre
fader signal to be sent to the console’s Cue bus, where it may be heard by
the console operator. This non-latching condition continues until the
closure is released. (Requires user-supplied momentary action
TALKBACK switch at the studio microphone location.)
On Tally
Lets the module’s channel ON switch control an on-air light or other
“microphone on” indicator at a remote location. This control function
provides a continuous closure to ground at Pin 15 (A On Tally) or Pin 21
(B ON Tally) whenever the module is ON.
This signal can be used to control an externally powered tally light that
requires a continuous signal to function. Or an external tally light (i.e.,
LED) can be powered from the input module by connecting the external
LED to +5 Digital (Pins 5 or 11) and the A or B On Tally port. In either case,
current should not exceed 30 milliamps.
Off Tally
Identical to “On Tally” (preceding), only this tally is active when the
module is OFF. Off Tally A is Pin 2; Off Tally B is Pin 8.
We recommend a series
resistor between the LED
and +5V digital when you
are powering the external
tally from the console; a
value of 220
(1/4W 5%)
is suggested.