W H E A T N E T - I P
page 4 – 17
/ Apr 2009
Destinations Sort By
This menu allows you to change the order in the crosspoint grid for the destination
signals. The choices are:
BLADE Id - Name - This is the default. The destinations show in order of BLADE
ID, then alphabetically by name.
BLADE Id - Pin - The destinations show in order of BLADE ID first, then connector
BLADE Id - Location - The destinations show in order of BLADE ID, then
alphabetically by location name.
Name - BLADE ID - The destinations show alphabetically by name first, then by
BLADE ID. Useful for when you use a name like “CD 1” over and over.
Name - Location - The destinations show alphabetically by name first, then by
location name.
Location - BLADE ID - The destinations show alphabetically by location name,
then by BLADE ID.
Signal ID - The destinations show in order of their system assigned signal ID.
This menu allows you to change the information showing in the grid labels for each
signal. The choices are:
Name - This is the default. Only the eight character name is shown on the grid label.
Name - Location - Both the eight character name and eight character location are
shown on the grid label.
Signal Id - Name - Both the system assigned signal ID and the eight character name
are shown on the grid label.
Rename Signal
Choosing this function will open up a “Rename Signal” window. You will use this
function a lot to replace the system auto-generated signal names with names that have
more meaning for you. Here you can type a new name, up to eight characters long, for
the signal. As soon as you click on the “OK” button, the new name will be broadcast
throughout the system and get updated everywhere.