Quick Start – 2
/ Apr 2009
Consideration should be given to the ID selection as no two BLADEs in the system
may have the same ID. The ID should be chosen based on system topology and should
reflect how the system will ultimately be configured.
Wheatstone recommends assigning ID “1” to the first BLADE you power up on the
network, ID “2” to the second, etc. The numbers have no real significance, only that they
must be unique.
IP Address
Based on the BLADE ID selected the wizard will recommend an IP address. The
default IP address will be in the 192.168.87.XXX scheme. Press the TAKE button if this
address is correct for your network scheme and the wizard will automatically advance to
“Signal Setup” section.
Consult the manual or Wheatstone Support if you cannot accept this IP Address.
Sample Rate
The WheatNet-IP system operates at 44.1kHz or 48kHz sample rates. Here you will
select the default sample rate at which the system will operate. It is a good idea to pick
a sample rate that your entire facility will adopt and stick with it. If 3rd party gear is
operating at a different sample rate the WheatNet-IP system is capable of receiving inputs
from 32kHz up to 96kHz and will up or down convert accordingly to the WheatNet-IP
sample rate.
Signal Setup
Now that the Network Setup is complete the wizard will assist with creating audio
signals if desired. The WheatNet-IP
unit is equipped with signal templates to aid in quick
setup. These templates are standard signal setups that may be a good starting point,
depending on the application. The WheatNet-IP 88a, 88d, and 88ad have three template
layouts. Choose from Custom, Stereo I/O, and Mono I/O templates. The 88m has two
available templates, Mono_Mic and Stereo_Mic. The WheatNet-IP 88cb has three
template layouts. Choose from Custom, Console_Stereo_In, and Console_Mono_In
To select a template rotate the encoder knob to the desired template and press Take.
Custom Template
This template creates no signals. Instead the user will create the signals using the
Navigator GUI.
Stereo I/O Template
This template creates eight Stereo Inputs and eight Stereo Outputs. Signal names are
assigned based on the BLADE ID and will have a “BLxx_yy” naming convention, where
“xx” is the BLADE ID and “yy” is source (or destination) 01 through 08.
Mono I/O Template
This template creates 16 Mono Inputs and 16 Mono Outputs. Signal names are
assigned based on the BLADE ID and will have a “BLxx_yy” naming convention, where
“xx” is the BLADE ID and “yy” is source (or destination) 01 through 16.
/ June 2010