Advanced Properties
Clock Speed
Use the clock speed slider bar to set the speed of your Wicked3D eyeSCREAM. The default clock speed is 92MHz. Raise or
lower this clock setting depending on the tolerance of your system and the game. Setting the clock speed above 95 MHz
(the red zone on the slider bar) may greatly increase the probability of artifacts on your screen, and lock-ups. We
recommend you use this option at your discretion, only if you have a well-cooled system or cooling fan for the
processor on your Wicked3D card.
Disable SLI
Click this checkbox to disable SLI / two card configuration if a game is having problems with SLI mode.
Enhance Desktop
This checkbox allows you to add a C
L background to your desktop.
Figure 23: Advanced Properties
Gamma Correction
The gamma correction slider bars allow you to adjust the red, green, and blue gamma settings in your 3D applications.
Figure 24: Gamma Correction