Possible cause
The hearing
aid whistles
Your ear is blocked
by earwax
Contact your ENT
The hearing aid is
not correctly placed
in your ear canal
Take the hearing aid out
and reinsert it
The hearing aid fits
loosely in your ear
Contact your hearing
care professional
The hearing
aid is uncom-
fortable to
The hearing aid is
not placed correctly
in your ear canal
Consult your hearing
care professional
on how to place the
hearing aid correctly in
your ear canal.
The hearing aid
does not fit your ear
Contact your hearing
care professional
Your outer ear or ear
canal is sore
It is important that
first-time users only
wear the hearing aid for
short periods of time at
the beginning. The skin
in the ear canal is very
thin and may swell a bit
because of the pressure
from the hearing aid.
Take 2-3 weeks to
gradually get used to
the hearing aid. If the
soreness continues,
contact your hearing
care professional