Wieland Electric | BA000580 | 6/2009 (Rev. A)
The complete ENOcean LON implementation is combined in one object. It has more than
56 dynamic network variables whose types are automatically adapted to the function
specified by the parameterisation.
In the case of parameterisation as sensor input, a network variable for, e.g. the lighting
control, of the type
is set and one of the type
for the
shutter control. If physical data are received, the corresponding SNVTs are also stored in
the LNS.
(as of July 2007) of the EnOcean Alliance are stored in the software as tem-
plates. Adjustments (e.g. for the valid temperature range or the resolution) can be param-
eterised in the LNS Plug-In.
Due to the high number of network variables, it is recommended to rename the network
variables according to the functionality and assignment used. This makes the use signifi-
cantly easier for the following binding with the LNS Tool and results in clearer documenta-
tion. Corresponding input fields are present on every corresponding parameterisation
screen of the LNS Plug-In.
When using multiple channel room control panels, several radio channels can be com-
bined in one panel in the overview window of the EnOcean object for simplification.
An overview of the already parameterised radio channels is also displayed in the top area
on this screen. Thus, you can see at a glance how many reserves are still available for
other sensors.
EnOceanObject #1
SNVT (dynamisch)
Network Variables
SNVT (dynamisch)