CPT6010 Operating Instructions
Digital Pressure Transducer
6.4.1, Wildcard Address Operator) in the event that the application requires different addresses
for the respective turndowns. One example of an application of this sort is if a user requires differ-
entiation of the reading output. Because the response string of the transducer when queried for a
pressure reading is always started with the address of the active turndown range, a user can switch
between turndowns using the wildcard address string and still have indication of which turndown is
reporting the data.
6.4 Communication Syntax and Command Conventions
All commands and responses are in ASCII characters; lower and upper case are interpreted the
same. Every command or query begins with the pound symbol (#). The question mark (?) and
decimal point (.) characters are significant to the CPT6010. All other punctuation characters are
ignored. Some commands require a password string. A carriage return (<cr>) or linefeed (<lf>)
should terminate each command or query.
6.4.1 Wildcard Address Operator (*)
In addition to the 36 unique addresses available, an asterisk (*) functions as a wildcard address
operator. However, this wildcard must not be used in queries if more than one transducer is con-
nected to a host.
One use for the wildcard address could be when a CPT6010 is pulled out of a multi-drop setup and
sent to a calibration facility for recertification. The calibration technician can communicate with the
device using the wildcard address without learning or changing its assigned address.
6.4.2 Password Protection
Certain commands require a password to be sent before a setting is changed. The password is
only good for one command, so the password string must be sent immediately before any pass-
word protected command string. The form of the password string is described in Table 6.4.4. How-
ever, for calibration protection, the actual password has been replaced with PW in the command
string example. See the Password card file for the actual password string to be used in place of PW.
6.4.3 Response String Format
The CPT6010 will return an R to indicate that it has received a command or password rather than
a query. When programming communication with the CPT6010, it is advisable to look for the R
response before sending additional commands or queries.
The full command word is shown in Table 6.4.4 in all capital letters. Other conventions used to
describe commands are shown in Table 6.4.3.
Table 6.4.3 - Command Conventions